Why Lobsters?

As we're sure most of you are wondering, where did "Wandering Lobsters" come from? To put it simply, it's a reference to an episode from the sitcom, Friends, where the character Phoebe explains her lobster theory to show how she knows Ross and Rachel were meant to be. She states, "It's a known fact that lobsters fall it love and mate for life. You can actually see old lobster couples walking around there tank holding claws." We picked up the nickname ourselves when we first started dating in college, and for whatever reason it has stuck with us since then.

Costa Rica 2009

In June 2009, Sam and I tied the knot after 4 1/2 years of being together!  The day was absolutely perfect and we were so lucky to be surrounded by all our friends and family.

Of course this great event warranted for a grand honeymoon!  We considered a lot of different ideas for our honeymoon ranging from cruises to an Italian tour, but in the end, Costa Rica was at the top of the list.  

We did all the planning for Costa Rica ourselves, and we would definitely do it over again.  After a lot of research and getting tips from friends and family, we decided on a trip that had 3 different legs.

We started out at the Pacuare Lodge in the jungle, not too far from the capital San Jose.  What's so unique about the lodge is that it's in the middle of the jungle, and the main way to get there is by white water rafting!

After taking on the rapids, we were greeted with freshly squeezed juice.

Then they showed us to our own little (electricity-free) bungalow right on the river that had a great hammock for napping on the front porch.

We definitely made a point to take advantage of the zip-lining in the middle of the jungle.

The Pacuare Lodge was one of the more expensive places we visited, so after two nights, we headed on to the next leg of the trip, up north to Arenal Volcano!  Until 2010, Arenal was the most active volcano in Arenal.  We were able to stay at a hotel with a great view of the volcano.

  There was no lack of adventure here either.  Canyoneering was by far one of our favorite parts of the entire trip.  With some companies and canyoneering, you hike by the side of the water, then rappel.  We were in the water climbing down the canyon the entire way down, including a jump into the water where the rocks were only 4 feet apart!  Our longest rappel was down the 200 foot waterfall at the end. 

Before leaving the volcano, we also made sure to hike to the old ruins of the volcano, go on a hanging bridges tour, and visit some of the famous hot springs.

Yellow Viper Snake

Finally, for the last part of our trip, we headed down to the western peninsula to the little hippie down of Montezuma.  This was the most relaxing part our vacation, and we made sure to hit up happy hour every night, playing cards and looking out on the beach.

We took our first surf lessons in Montezuma, and we rented an ATV for a day to explore the whole peninsula.

By this time, our two weeks of adventure was almost over.  We took a boat right from the peninsula back to the mainland and headed home.  We had a fantastic time on our honeymoon and we wouldn't have changed a thing! 

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