Why Lobsters?

As we're sure most of you are wondering, where did "Wandering Lobsters" come from? To put it simply, it's a reference to an episode from the sitcom, Friends, where the character Phoebe explains her lobster theory to show how she knows Ross and Rachel were meant to be. She states, "It's a known fact that lobsters fall it love and mate for life. You can actually see old lobster couples walking around there tank holding claws." We picked up the nickname ourselves when we first started dating in college, and for whatever reason it has stuck with us since then.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Making a Difference

Our fundraising efforts are up and going!  For all of you we haven't reached yet, Sam and I will be fundraising throughout our trip.  The funds will go towards all of the non-for- profits for which we will be volunteering along the way.  There are four different sites where we be volunteering, and you can read all about them on the ‘Volunteering’ page on our blog.  All of the money we collect during our travels will be split evenly between our volunteer sites to help with the projects each focus on. The money that we raise while traveling will NOT be used to pay for our trip in any way or even for our volunteer fees at the sites.

So please donate! It's just a couple simple steps.  Here’s how:

1.    Hit the “DONATE” button on the right side of our home page the page
2.    Sign in to Paypal to transfer money to “Sam and Erin’s Volunteer Abroad"
       Enter payment information in as a guest to donate to “Sam and Erin’s 
       Volunteer Abroad” with a credit card or straight from a bank account

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far! All donations make a big difference for the organizations and people in need!

We leave tomorrow morning!! We are finishing packing and saying our goodbyes. There's a list that still needs to be checked and then we'll try to get some sleep tonight...maybe.

1 comment:

  1. We will be thinking of and praying for you both to have a successful and enjoyable adventure!
