Why Lobsters?

As we're sure most of you are wondering, where did "Wandering Lobsters" come from? To put it simply, it's a reference to an episode from the sitcom, Friends, where the character Phoebe explains her lobster theory to show how she knows Ross and Rachel were meant to be. She states, "It's a known fact that lobsters fall it love and mate for life. You can actually see old lobster couples walking around there tank holding claws." We picked up the nickname ourselves when we first started dating in college, and for whatever reason it has stuck with us since then.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My first motorcycle ride

I have always been against motorcycles, especially since my pharmacy clinicals, working in the ER on the first day of spring when so many people would come in due to crashes. Yet, in Africa, motorcycles are one of the most popular ways to get around.  We managed to avoid them (called boda-bodas) in Uganda, especially the crowded streets of Kampala.

But when we arrived in Luanda, Kenya just two nights ago, we found out the only way to get to the volunteer host house is by motorcycle (in Kenya they are called piki-pikis). Of course it was nighttime.  And it was pouring down rain. Sam hopped on the back of one, and I on the other with our big packs.  Everything happened so fast, I was unsure what to make of the situation.  I ended up having to close my eyes most of the way because the rain was pelting our faces. Other than being soaked from the rain, the ride was rather uneventful (and only took us about 10 minutes).   I better get used the motorcycle rides, because Julius, one of the leaders of the Kipepeo Community Empowerment Program where we are volunteering, told me we will be riding a motorcycle to get around almost daily.

(Written on November 5th)


  1. There’s nothing to be afraid of about riding a motorcycle, as long as the driver is taking all the proper safety precautions while driving. To conquer your fear, try to just enjoy the fresh breeze and the beautiful sceneries that you can see along the road. That will help you enjoy riding a motorcycle faster.

  2. You’re right, Claudio! People should not be afraid in riding a motorcycle. If you are afraid of it, try to conquer it by frequently traveling using a motorcycle. Better yet, try to learn how to drive a motorcycle yourself.

  3. Just learn how to enjoy it one ride at a time. You’re surrounded by nature, which is one of the most enjoyable things you can experience when you’re riding a motorcycle. One trick that would probably help you is to simply trust the driver. The motorcycle might be pretty beat up and the roads are muddy, but he’s used to driving at such terrain. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy it soon! :]
