Why Lobsters?

As we're sure most of you are wondering, where did "Wandering Lobsters" come from? To put it simply, it's a reference to an episode from the sitcom, Friends, where the character Phoebe explains her lobster theory to show how she knows Ross and Rachel were meant to be. She states, "It's a known fact that lobsters fall it love and mate for life. You can actually see old lobster couples walking around there tank holding claws." We picked up the nickname ourselves when we first started dating in college, and for whatever reason it has stuck with us since then.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kipepeo Still Needs Support

We are no longer physically helping at Kipepeo Community Empowerment Program (KCEP) in Kenya, but we still want to help make a difference, and you can help out too. KCEP is still a very young Community Based Organization, founded in just 2009. But it has already managed to help so many people with all its various projects, and the members  still have big plans for expansion in the future. When the need of the surrounding community is so great, it can become overwhelming to decide which should be given priority so each is maintained by the staff and volunteers through passion and tons of hard work.

One way Kipepeo is helping themselves is through Income Generating Activities (IGAs). When the computers are not being used for classes, they can be used for typing, browsing the Internet, and other computer services for the community.  This allows Kipepeo to pay their electricty and the other programs that Kipepeo was founded to support. This is where we (USA) come in. Their computers, while infinitely better than they were only a year or two ago, are out of date. Their mouses barely function (frustrating for students) and their monitors are bulky. Our best solution to this came to us as a laptop/technology drive. Erin and I had already mentioned getting a new laptop soon after we get back and our old one would get MUCH more use in Kima where they really need it. What we are asking is for anyone who is upgrading their personal technology in the next 6 months, please save your old equipment, even if it's not in the best shape. This includes mouses, laptops, smart phones, cables, USB drives, and anything else that can be shipped somewhat easily. This is a good excuse to get that new computer for yourself for Christmas! If you are interested in donating any materials, please send an email to samjweber@gmail.com.

It will go to a much better cause than Best Buy's scrap service or your closet collecting dust!

Of course, if you aren't getting rid of a computer any time soon, we are still raising money through the Paypal Donate button on our homepage for all of our volunteer sites to help with their  current projects. One of the newest projects started by KCEP, is the One Shilling Project.  The project goal is to raise enough money to purchase a small plot of land and build recreation center to serve as a meeting place and occasional housing for the orphans and street boys that KCEP already helps on a weekly basis. They feel the orphans and street kids would also benefit from computer classes and they do everything to encourage and support these underpriveleged kids to stay in school and get a good education to empower them in the future.

To see other projects, Kipepeo Community Empowerment Program invites you to check out their website at http://kipepeo.yolasite.com/ or search for them on Facebook.

(Written by Sam and Erin)

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